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Basic Music Patron
1$Every monthHelp me put out a consistent output of original contentÂ- Access to the most current music and videos
- MP3 downloads
- Exclusive content and behind the scenes
TV Warm Up Videos
5$Every month25 videos to help trombonists visualize while warming up 30 day free trial- Introduction to Trombone Visualizer warmup videos
- 3 variations on 3 long-tones videos with Drone Chords
- 2 variations on 4 lip-slurs videos with Drone Chords
- 2 variations on 3 range warm-up videos with Drone Chords
- 3 PDF's of the warmup exercises written out
- Live Zoom or Skype Events
TV Easy Chords
10$Every monthTrombone Visualizer Easy Chord Practice 7 day free trial- Access to all "Easy Chord" Practice Drone Chords Videos
- Productive ways to practice over Chord Drones
- Access to "Easy 2-5-1 Jazz Etudes" Videos
- PDF Downloads of things to practice over the chords & etudes
- Monthly live video group class
Hardcore Patron
100$Every monthHelp me put serious resources behind my projectsÂ- Access to all paid sections of
- Always on the guest list for live ticketed concerts
- Backstage access when available
- WAV file and video downloads
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